ExxonMobil Seabed Lease For Carbon Storage Does Little To Mitigate Global Warming

ExxonMobil announces a big Texas offshore lease for capturing and storing carbon. noting it is a leader in the field. What the announcement doesn't state is that its leadership buys us 4 days of climate mitigation relief from the industry's current daily emissions amounting to 31.7 million tons.


Can Humans Direct The Weather? Ask Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Member of the U.S. Congress from Georgia. She believes Democrats and Jews, the "they" in her online postings and remarks to the press, can control hurricanes, cause wildfires, and make Republican electoral districts their targets.

ExxonMobil Seabed Lease For Carbon Storage Does Little To Mitigate Global Warming

ExxonMobil announces a big Texas offshore lease for capturing and storing carbon. noting it is a leader in the field. What the announcement doesn't state is that its leadership buys us 4 days of climate mitigation relief from the industry's current daily emissions amounting to 31.7 million tons.


Tech and Gadgets

When Will An AI Win A Nobel Prize?

AI-driven research is already transformative as indicated by the two recent Nobel Prize awards for Physics and Chemistry. Human researchers are the beneficiaries of this promising technology which begs the question: Can an AI win a Nobel Prize?




Will Doctors Soon Have Digital Twins of Patients to Monitor Their Health?

Applying virtual twin simulations is the next stage in the evolution of personalized medical treatment where your body will have a digital twin for doctors to monitor your health and catch changes that could become life threatening.

Blood Transfusion Compatibility Research Leads to the Discovery of New Protein Markers

Red blood cells aren't like other cells in our bodies. They don't have a nucleus. Blood types are a result of distinct antigens absent or found on the surfaces of red blood cells. Blood screening for matching now involves screening for 47 different blood groups.

In 2021 Misinformation Spread in Canada Had 2 Million Avoid COVID-19 Vaccines

Why as we come to the end of four years for the COVID-19 pandemic are so many hesitant to keep up to date with vaccination? The reasons are many including feared side effects, safety and efficacy, and vaccine complacency and exhaustion. But the worst reason is misinformation spread by so-called experts, celebrities and authority figures.

Can A Universal Influenza Vaccine End Seasonal Flu Forever?

What if a flu vaccine could protect us beyond one year from all influenza strains, those in the present and future? That's where work at the Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute may yield a universal vaccine candidate that is showing great results in mice studies and will be in human clinical trials in one to three years.

What Is The Hygiene Hypothesis?

David P. Strachan, an immunologist, argued that early childhood exposure to viruses and microbes that make us sick ultimately strengthens our immune systems and protects us from developing allergies and autoimmune diseases. He called this the hygiene hypothesis.

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