Solar Energy is Popping Up in Some Very Unusual Places

Solar panels are found on farms, home rooftops, commercial buildings, apartments, and more. Any place with access to direct sunlight can harness solar energy. Where are some of the unusual places solar is installed today, and where else will we find it soon?


Climate Change And Mental Health: Both Are Getting Worse

Eco-anxiety is a psychological response to current climate change and the threat of future changes to the environment. Other terms used to describe this mental state include eco-distress, climate anxiety and climate grief.

Earth Day 2024 And The Atmosphere Is Raining Microplastic

Today on Earth Day the newspapers have headlines about plastic in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Plastic is a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. Plastic is also experiencing exponential production growth with expectations it will triple by 2050. This is unsustainable.


Tech and Gadgets

High Speed Internet Coming to Space

Using lasers for high-speed communication in space is on the way promising 200 Gigabits per second (Gbps) data transmission. The intent is to replace existing radio frequency (RF) systems that spacefaring nations have used since the dawn of the Space Age.




Climate Change And Mental Health: Both Are Getting Worse

Eco-anxiety is a psychological response to current climate change and the threat of future changes to the environment. Other terms used to describe this mental state include eco-distress, climate anxiety and climate grief.

How Close Are We To A One-And-Done Vaccine For COVID-19 And Other Viruses?

University of California Riverside is using RNAi in a different vaccine strategy to find common characteristics in all viruses that can be used as a marker for the body's immune system to kill and create memory immunity.

Why Am I Left-Handed? Blame Tubulin Proteins for This Asymmetric Brain Twist

What determines whether you are born left-hand or right-hand dominant? An article appearing on April 2, 2024, in Nature Communications, describes a study by neuroscientists at MSH Medical School Hamburg in Germany that identified the genetic origins of handedness in humans implicating a specific group of proteins called tubulins.

Plastic Everywhere and What It Means to Humans and Life on the Planet

Microplastics today are everywhere. We are finding them in the deepest parts of the ocean and at the top of Mount Everest. It should be no wonder, therefore, that microplastics have invaded us.

Conversations With AI: Digital Avatars Give The Speechless The Ability To Speak

Researchers at the University of California San Francisco are using deep-learning AI and captured brainwaves to allow locked-in test subjects to talk using an avatar while wearing a neuroprosthetic device.

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