Yearly Archives: 2012

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century: Part 6 – Asteroids, Robots and Free Enterprise

In April 2012 a team of industry leaders formed a new company, Planetary Resources to launch robotic space missions to mine the natural resources...

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century – Part 5: Going the Distance to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt

To Pluto and the Kuiper Belt with New Horizons I grew up like most of you with the certainty that our Solar System had nine...

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century – Part 4: Robots to Saturn and a Landing on Titan

What has compelled us to return to Saturn after the voyages of the robotic spacecraft, Pioneer and Voyager, in the latter part of the...

Robotics and Material Science Update: When will Robots Feel?

Have you heard of oscillating gel? Researchers at University of Pittsburgh and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have demonstrated that this material responds...

Urban Landscapes Update: A Building That Speaks to Our Urban Future

By the mid-21st century 6 billion of us will be living in urban environments. What will that mean for cities and the buildings in...

Biomedicine Update – What do A, B, AB and O mean to you? Now add Langereis and Junior to the family

I'm A, Rh+. Most of us are O, Rh+. Figured it out yet? I'm talking about our blood. As a regular blood donor I...

Biomedicine Update: Ceramic Nanotechnology in a Breathalyzer to Uncover Disease

Blow into the Single Breath Disease Diagnostics Breathalyzer and if you get a green light you are good to go but if the light...

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century – Part 3: Robots to Jupiter

The Grand Tour whet our appetite for learning more about planets and asteroids beyond our closest neighbour Mars. To once more explore Solar System...

Energy Update: Are Wind Farms Contributing to Global Warming? – Sorting the Fact from the Fiction

A recent headline caught my eye, "Wind farms make climate change WORSE: Turbines actually heat up local areas." This appeared in the London, England...

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century – Part 2: Orbiters, Rovers and Landers on Mars….Continued

By the end of 2012 Mars will have many human-built robots on its surface, in orbit around it, some artifacts and some operational. In our...

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