Yearly Archives: 2012

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century – Part 2: Orbiters, Rovers and Landers on Mars

The state of our exploration of Mars can be described as follows: We are still wrestling with the results of experiments done by the two...

Quantum Computing Update: Experimental Quantum Simulator Eclipses Capacity of Current Supercomputers

Institutions and countries like to flex their computer muscle regularly by building the newest and most powerful supercomputers. As I write this blog today...

Energy Update: Can We Develop a Battery that is Self Charging?

Carbon-based graphene was the topic around water coolers in materials science departments in the month of March as researchers at Hong Kong Polytechnic University...

Space and Humanity in the 21st Century – Part 1: Where We Are in 2012 with Human Space Flight

The Space Race driven by ideology, economics, nationalism, and the military fuelled the technological advancements in rocketry,  robot spacecraft and human presence beyond Earth's...

Energy Update: Venture Partner Puts Money into Waste-to-Energy Projects

In a previous blog we talked about the challenges and promise of mining waste for energy. North America's largest landfill and waste removal company,...

Energy Update: Today Lithium Ion Batteries, Tomorrow Lithium Air

The most advanced batteries in today's electric cars are based on lithium-ion technology. These batteries use metal-oxide cathodes combined with an encased oxidizer. They...

Urban Landscapes, Geoengineering and Energy Update: Things You Can Do with Paint

Urban Renewal and a Dash of White Paint A recent study published in the April 2012 edition of Environmental Research Letters, the Journal of the...

Transportation Update: A Return to the Days of Sailing Ships the High-Tech Way

The Wind Challenger Project will be bringing sailing ships to a port near you in the very near future. The earliest date for the...

Biomedicine Update: What if we could create Synthetic DNA?

Synthetic Genetic Polymers Capable of Heredity and Evolution is the title of a journal article appearing in the April 2012 issue of  Science. The...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 9: The Technology of the Grand Tour to the Outer Planets

In the 18th and 19th century the English upper class frequently visited the European continent in a ritual that became known as the Grand...

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