Yearly Archives: 2012

Agriculture Update: Genetically Modified Crops vs. Selective Breeding – Is One Better Than the Other?

When Gregor Mendel discovered the laws of inheritance by cross-pollinating pea plants and observing the results he defined a series of rules that farmers...

Climate Change Update: If Some Himalayan Glaciers are Gaining Ice Does That Mean Global Warming is a Hoax?

Today is Earth Day and it seems appropriate to include an article about climate change. Last week a study was published in Nature Geoscience showing...

Energy Update: Wind Power Technology Breakthrough Produces Byproduct – Water

Eole Water S.A.S. is a French company that has developed a wind turbine able to collect water as a byproduct. The product, the WMS1000,...

Energy Update: Why isn’t Solar Taking Off?

With solar panel prices dropping it seems almost every month you would think that roof tops throughout the world would be covered with them....

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 8: Revisiting Mars After Viking

The United States appeared to lose their way after Viking landed on Mars. It may have been the lack of definitive proof of life...

Energy in the 21st Century Update: We are not Running out of Fossil Fuels, Not in This Century and Not in the Next

There are four reasons for making this claim. Conservation in the Developed World is reducing demand even though growth in demand is occurring in the...

Transportation Update: Are Ice Bergs in the North Atlantic and Northwest and Northeast Passages Still a Threat

I couldn't miss the opportunity to memorialize RMS Titanic in this blog on the 100th-year anniversary of it sinking. Could it happen again? Could...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – A Martian Update

Two headlines appeared in papers published on April 12 and 13 this year. One stated "Life on Mars Discovered from Decades Old Data" and...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 7: Exploring Mars

Mars has always been less a mystery to astronomers than Venus. Through Earth-based telescopes the surface of the planet can easily be seen showing...

Energy Update: Hydraulic Fracturing Science and Technology – What We Know and What We Don’t

Hydraulic fracturing, called fracking for short, is a mining process designed to release gas and oil trapped in bituminous sedimentary rock formations. Fracking is...

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