Yearly Archives: 2012

Robotics Update – Design and Build Your Own Robot Using Your Computer Printer

Today it can take considerable resources, effort and time to build a single robot. But at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania and...

Climate Change Update – The Trifecta that Ended the Last Ice Age

With regular recurrence the Earth has endured 100,000 year cycles of continental glaciation throughout the Pleistocene Epoch starting approximately 2 million years ago give...

Climate Change Update – Insect-Borne Diseases Spreading as Our Atmosphere Heats Up

Malaria, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Chagas, Chikungunya and many other diseases infect humans through insect carriers. Ticks...

Energy Update – Sourcing the Right Algae for Bio-fuels

What makes algae such an attractive alternative to other bio-fuel sources? There are lots of it around. We can grow it in wastewater. We can grow it...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 6:The Soviets go to Venus

The Soviet Union conducted an ambitious scientific program focused on studying Venus. They called their robotic spacecraft missions Venera and Vega. The launch technology...

Climate Change Update – The Oceans Have Been Warming for More than a Century

If there is a canary in the coal mine of climate science, the temperature of the ocean is our best early warning system that...

Materials Science Update – Research into Invisibility Cloak Yielding Heat Shield Technology Results

As much as the military and Harry Potter have sought a cloak of invisibility, the science that studies light wave deflection is looking at...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 5: America Goes to Venus

The 1960s were not only the era of Apollo and the race to the Moon, they were also a time for experimenting with technology...

Material Science Update – The Promise of Self-Healing Plastics

Recently in a blog focused on the evolution of materials for automobiles I wrote about the future of  shape memory polymers, self-healing nanoparticle-based plastics...

Mastering Space Beyond Near-Earth – Part 2: How We Got Started – The American Story

From the ashes of Germany's Second World War V-rocket program, the United States and Soviet Union developed space programs of their own. They did...

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