Yearly Archives: 2012

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 3: Testing the Limits of Human Endurance in Near-Earth Space

In December 1972 the United States sent Apollo XVII to the Moon - the last time a human stepped on the surface of another...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 2: To the Moon and Back

The Space Race was both ideological and technical. Which of the two nations, the United States or the Soviet Union had the means to...

Our 20th Century Space Legacy – Part 1: The Evolution of Rocket Technology

I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction where humanity travelled as freely through space as we do on Earth. Our venture...

Geoengineering Update – Rising Sea Levels Represent a Distinct Risk in the 21st Century

With one island nation, Kiribati, already planning an exit strategy, and climatologists and oceanographers marking the steady rise in ocean surface levels, the 21st...

Biomedicine Update – Cloning the Woolly Mammoth a Step Closer to Reality

Scientists from Russia and South Korea are hell-bent on recreating the Woolly Mammoth, an animal that has been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The...

The Pursuit of Intelligent Machines – Mass Customization & 3D Printing

New 3D technology allows for precision printing on a nanoscale. In a process called two-photon lithography, tiny structures on a nanometer scale can be...

Urban Landscapes in the 21st Century – Part 6: The Evolution of Cities

Freshwater is critical to life on this planet. Yet we are a species that treats it with such little regard considering how scarce a...

Biomedicine Update – Healing the Heart

The expression "in a heartbeat" may not have the same meaning in the future if technology under development has a say. Conventional thinking on...

Biomedicine Update – Mapping the Genome is Getting Cheaper by the Day

The cost of DNA sequencing is going down rapidly making mapping the genome within the next decade almost as inexpensive as a routine blood...

Identifying the Problems of the 21st Century – A Commentary on James Martin’s 16 Challenges

When I was a younger man working in the world of information technology I was an avid reader of James Martin's books on computers...

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