Yearly Archives: 2012

Biomedicine – Part 11: Curing Technologies in the 21st Century Continued – Ending Heartache

Of all the topics I have written about to-date, this one strikes closest to home. My daughter was born with congenital heart disease 27...

Biomedicine – Part 11: Curing Technologies in the 21st Century Continued – Finding Cures to Stop the Body Attacking Itself

Not too many people realize that many forms of diabetes are caused by our immune system going haywire. Normally, the immune system is our...

Biomedicine – Part 11: Curing Technologies in the 21st Century Continued – Curing Cancer

Some Basic Facts About Cancer When the genes in normal (somatic) cells mutate cell behaviour may change over time leading to cancer. Mutations are a...

Biomedicine – Part 11: Curing Technologies in the 21st Century

In this last series of  blogs we look at curing what ails humanity using 21st century technology. We'll tackle this in several articles. Many of...

Biomedicine – Part 10: Bioengineering the End to Aging

In our last blog we introduced telomeres, the genetic information that slowly vanishes from chromosomes each time cells divide. Researchers who study aging see...

Biomedicine – Part 9: Cloning

"Hello Dolly," not the musical but the sheep. Seen below, Dolly was the first adult mammal cloning success using sheep. Her journey from the petri...

Biomedicine – Part 8: Robotic Exoskeletons

Animals come in many shapes and forms. Insects and other arthropods share a common physical attribute. They wear their skeletons on the outside. We...

Biomedicine – Part 8: Robots to the Rescue – Emergency Robots

In a controlled setting like a hospital doctors and other medical staff work with all the tools needed to save a patient. That is...

Biomedicine – Part 8: Robots to the Rescue – Robots that work on the inside

In our last blog we introduced HeartLander, a device that when inserted into the chest cavity can deliver medication, ablation therapy and provide assistance...

Biomedicine – Part 8: Robots to the Rescue – Advances in Imaging and Irradiation Technology in the 21st Century

Image-guided therapy has revolutionized medicine in the latter part of the 20th century and into these first two decades of the 21st. The operating...

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