Monthly Archives: October, 2013

Computers Update: Tried Google Search Lately? It’s Better Than Ever

Years ago when I was working on developing a  speech recognition vocabulary for specific applications I had the opportunity to use a few natural...

Transportation Update: Volvo E-Car Concept Runs Off Super Capacitor

The biggest limitation for electric vehicles (EV) is the battery. Tesla, General Motors, Nissan and others install heavy batteries that limit vehicle range and...

Headlines: Living off Soylent – the Glop that Just Received $1.5 Million in Funding

A few months ago I wrote a blog posting introducing Soylent and its crowdfunding campaign. Soylent, a powder you mix with water to create...

Reforming the Agrifood Industry to Meet Global Demand

Since the mid-20th century agricultural production globally has almost tripled based on data provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations...

Headlines: Printing in 3D on the International Space Station

October 20, 2013 - We are only a few months from seeing the first 3D printer deployed to the International Space Station (ISS) with...

Headlines: Russia and Arctic Oil Exploration – An Accident Waiting to Happen

October 19, 2013 - Russia is the third largest producer of crude oil on the planet. They are also the source of the largest...

Headlines: U.S. Now World’s Top Producer of Oil

October 18, 2013 - If you think fossil fuels are going away because we are all more aware of the threat they represent to...

Headlines: New Hybrid Device Makes Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight and Sewage

October 17, 2013 - In the last week researchers at University of California Santa Cruz published a paper describing a self-sustaining hydrogen gas production...

Micro-Loans, Crowdfunding, Bitcoins, Transfers and Exchanges in the 21st Century

I don't know about you but it is pretty clear to me that money isn't handled these days the same way it was before...

Environment Update: Climate Change, the World Bank, Indonesia and Coal

I read two stories about the World Bank and climate change this week. One stated that Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary...

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