Monthly Archives: October, 2013

Headlines: New Smart Road Comes to the United Kingdom

October 3, 2013 - Imagine a smart highway loaded with sensors that communicate with you as you drive letting you know about traffic patterns...

Headlines: Palo Alto is the First U.S. City to Require New Homes to be Pre-wired for EVs

October 3, 2013 - Last week the City Council of Palo Alto, California passed a change to the building code requiring all new home...

Climate Change and Its Impact on our World’s Major Rivers – Part 3b: The Rivers of North America

In this second part of our look at the impact of climate change on North America's rivers we will focus on the following major...

Gizmos & Gadgets: New Plastic Stent is Bioresorbable

Stents are marvelous inventions. Resembling the little spring you find in a ballpoint pen they are made from a mesh of metal that looks...

Headlines: Orbital Science Joins SpaceX in Supplying the International Space Station

October 1, 2013 - If you missed it this last week the commercial space race is now officially "on." The Cygnus, a capsule similar...

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