Yearly Archives: 2013

Environment Update: CO2 Emissions Down in the U.S. while up in Canada

November 4, 2013 - The oil sands projects in Alberta and Saskatchewan are the prime reason that Canada continues to increase CO2 output in...

Gizmos & Gadgets: MPowerD Luci Light Aimed at the Developing World

November 3, 2013 - Luci is a solar-powered lantern designed to shed light in homes where kerosene-fueled lamps are used today. It is the...

Headlines: U.S. Pacific Coast States and British Columbia to Fight Climate Change Together

November 3, 2013 - Three American states and the Province of British Columbia are aligning their strategies to tackle carbon emissions in an effort...

Self Deception and Denial – Human Behavior and Climate Change

November 2, 2013 - Humans are great at denial. It keeps us going in times of war and crisis. It gives us hope even...

Gizmos & Gadgets: New Exoskeleton Arm Makes Wearer a Titan

November 1, 2013 - Exoskeletons make it possible for people with poor muscle tone or degenerative diseases do what would seem to be the...

Headlines: A Great Blood Story for Halloween

October 31, 2013 - A Transylvanian team of researchers led by Radu Silaghi-Dumetriscu, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Babes-Bolyai University, in...

Climate Change and its Impact on our World’s Rivers: The Case of Australia

Can you name a river in Australia? No Aussies can answer the question. Just the rest of you on the planet. Other than Antarctica,...

Inner Space Update: Oceans are the Focus of the Next “X Prizes”

October 29, 2013 - I am a great believer in prizes as a means of driving technological innovation. From Lindbergh to Rutan, the Spirit...

New Report Addresses Global Challenges and the Future

Prepared by the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations, the report is called "Now for the Long Term." Published on October 16, it is...

Headlines: You Don’t Have to Ask Polar Bears if it is Getting Warmer in the Arctic

October 28, 2013 - Published in the last week in Geophysical Research Letters is a new peer reviewed article entitled Unprecedented recent summer warmth...

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