Yearly Archives: 2013

Climate Change and Its Impact on our World’s Major Rivers – Part 3a: The Rivers of North America

Unlike South America's Andes Mountains, the Western Cordillera of North America is much more complex containing multiple mountain ranges. And North America is further...

Headlines: The 95% Certainty of This Week’s IPCC Climate Report

September 29, 2013 - The press this week has reported that the latest IPCC interim report on climate change expresses a 95% certainty that...

Headlines: New Electronic Displays That Fold and Expand

September 27, 2013 - Researchers have invented an elastic, transparent, organic light-emitting device (OLED) that is flexible and can be used with smartphones and...

Headlines: Mars Has Lots of Accessible Water

September 27, 2013 - Water will be the least of the problems future Martian explorers face state researchers from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in...

Agriculture Update: Self-Learning Irrigation System is Latest Breakthrough

A Swiss company, PlantCare Ltd., has developed the first self-learning irrigation system, called PlantControl CX, that uses a wireless network, 60 soil sensors and...

Medical & Environment Update: New NASA Map Shows Where Air Pollution Kills

Two particular types of air pollution kill 2.1 million people every year. The two are ground-level ozone and the aerosol output from automobile tail...

Ever Heard of the Heartland Institute?

If not pay attention because they are about to flood the North American airwaves with disinformation on global warming. The Heartland Institute released a 1,200...

Headlines: NASA to Grow Food in Space

In an effort to stave off famine here on Earth, NASA is planning to grow food in space.....Wait a minute! That can't be right! So...

Gizmos & Gadgets: Powermat – a Wireless Mat that Keeps Electronic Devices Powered

Imagine never having your smartphone, tablet, music player or GPS device run out of power. That's the goal of Powermat, a wireless charging technology...

Headlines: Start the Doomsday Clock and Set it for 1.75 Billion Years in the Future

September 20, 2013 - The Doomsday Clock has been used in the past to tell us how close we were to total nuclear holocaust...

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