Yearly Archives: 2013

Environment Update: Another Carbon Capture Technique Revealed

With all these coal-fired and fossil-fuel driven power plants in the world the quest for capturing CO2 continues in research laboratories all over the...

Gizmos and Gadgets: Self-Charging Cell Phones Coming Soon

Smartphones are too smart for their own good. Users have come to rely on them so much that they constantly need recharging. The batteries...

Urban Landscapes Update: China’s Great Urbanization Experiment

Only in a centrally controlled economy could you pull off what China is attempting to do by moving a quarter billion of its people...

Is Perennial Thinking the Solution to Conquer World Hunger While Saving the Environment?

An article in today's Globe & Mail  by Shaun Pett got me thinking about our heavy reliance on annual staple crops to feed the...

A Comment on the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Human Gene Patents

Despite Michael Crichton's "Next," a sci-fi novel in which he described a world in which a company could own the genetic information of an...

Headlines at 21st Century Tech for June 14, 2013

What's in this week's headlines? Three medical stories, one on world population and food, and another on China and capping carbon emissions.   MS Breakthrough Holds...

Gizmos & Gadgets: Tricorder of “Star Trek” Fame Comes to Life

Meet the Scanadu Scout (TM), the first medical tricorder coming to you in the near future, in fact by March 2014 if it passes...

Energy Update: A Fuel Cell That Captures CO2 to Operate

Carbonate fuel cells may be one answer to capturing CO2 from the atmosphere. The manufacturer is FuelCell Energy, a company located in Danbury, Connecticut. ...

Materials Science Update: Plastic Wood Replacing Timber in Construction – Not Necessarily a Good Thing

Ever heard of plastic wood? It is a composite material consisting of waste wood mixed with plastic. For environmentalists it represents a dilemma. Plastic...

Gizmos & Gadgets: Inexpensive Nano Water Filter Could Save Hundreds of Thousands Every Year

A team of scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras has developed a device that can deliver safe drinking water to families living...

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