Yearly Archives: 2013

Energy Update: No Limit it Seems to U.S. Oil Reserves Says Geological Survey

Back in the 1970s "experts" unequivocally stated that the world would run out of oil early in the 21st century. Of course they were...

Agriculture Update: How to Feed 9.5 Billion Humans in 2050

There is a finite amount of arable land on which to raise food crops and livestock on our planet. There is only so much...

Gizmos & Gadgets: MicroGen Develops Mechanical Energy Harvester

Imagine never having to change the battery in your watch or calculator. You no longer have to. Move over batteries, a new nano-based source...

Gizmos & Gadgets: DewBank Harvests Water from Desert Mists

I don't know how I missed this gadget which one a design award back in 2010. It is called the DewBank and it is...

Transportation Update: Latest Scramjet Test Deemed a Success

It lasted a mere five minutes, but the X-51A Waverider Scramjet last test flight on May 1st reached speeds of Mach 5.1 before crashing...

The Ecology of Innovation – What Can Drive the 21st Century

Can one describe a society that is focused on innovation in ecological terms? Ecology, by definition, is a branch of biology that studies species...

Headlines at 21st Century Tech for May 3, 2013

This week's roundup of stories include:   Mystery remains around honeybee deaths; Researchers discover hypothalamus key to slowing aging and cognitive decline; New 3D-printed ear combines biology and...

Climate Change Update: Follow the Keeling Curve on Twitter

The Earth inhales and exhales cyclically. In the northern winter when plants are dormant CO2 spikes while the opposite occurs on the southern half...

Society and Politics – Part 4: Getting Change Done

As a Canadian I live in a country that has abundant resources, lots of freshwater, lots of energy, lots of food, a reasonable but...

Gizmos & Gadgets: New Solar Powered Window Outlet

Introducing the Window Socket, a solar charger that adheres to windows with suction and acts like an electrical socket converting energy from the Sun....

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