Yearly Archives: 2013

Computing Update: New Quantum Leap in Computing Technology

A company in Canada, D-Wave Systems, is making some of the big industry players sit up and take notice. Back in November of last...

Energy Update: Barrier to Cheap Fuel Cells Broken in Calgary

I know it is April 1 and the traditional day for publishing a nonsense or "non-science" article. But this is not one of them. So...

Gizmos & Gadgets: ROPITS – the Self-driving Robot Car

ROPITS is the creation of Hitachi Ltd., the Japanese electronics and engineering company. Seen in the image below, this is a self-driving robotic car....

Headlines at 21st Century Tech for March 29, 2013

This has been a quite a week for my family. We sold our house of 18 years and will be moving into the heart...

Robotics Update: Object Recognition Algorithm Gives Robots More Discriminating Vision

iRobot, developers of military robots and the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, have been building robots for more than 23 years. In 2012 they reported...

Space Update: Part 2 – 10 Technologies from Space We Use Here on Earth

In Part 2 of 10 Technologies from Space We Use Here on Earth, we complete the list first reported on March 19 in Information Week...

The Latest Info on the “2045 Initiative” – Human-Machine Immortality by Mid-Century

Dmitry Itskov is a Russian entrepreneur and founder of the 2045 Initiative with a goal to reinvent humanity to meet the challenges of the...

Gizmos & Gadgets: New Device That Monitors Your Car Using a Smartphone

Today's automobiles are computers on wheels. When you take it in for service diagnostics get measured through a data port. What if you could...

Headlines at 21st Century Tech for March 22, 2013

My weekly picks unlike last week are not a single theme but range over many science and technology fields. I hope you find these...

Space Update: Part 1 – 10 Technologies from Space We Use Here on Earth

Information Week on March 19 published an interesting article by Elena Malykhina that I thought was worth sharing. It listed 10 space technologies that have...

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