Yearly Archives: 2013

Headlines: Jeff Bezos of Amazon Holds Court with Drones and His Own Rocket Company

December 5, 2013 - You have to admire Jeff Bezos for what my culture calls chutzpa. He has been in the headlines twice in...

Headlines: El Nino and La Nina in a Warming World Will Become More Extreme

December 4, 2013 - The El Nino and La Nina or Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are expected to become more exaggerated as temperatures rise here...

Space Update: The Evolution of SpaceX – All Systems Go!

December 4, 2013 - SpaceX, the private company founded by Elon Musk, has achieved a number of milestones in the last few weeks. These...

Gizmos & Gadgets: Smart Socks for Joggers

December 4, 2013 - Truly a stocking stuffer the Sensoria socks contain sensors that along with a small ankle-wearing electronic bracelet that communicates with...

Space Update: How Origami Solves the Space Problem When Going to Space

November 3, 2013 - Brigham Young University (BYU) and NASA have combined with an origami expert to come up with a new way of...

Headlines: FIFA World Cup and Dengue Fever

December 3, 2013 - Next year's World Cup will be hosted by Brazil with many of the group-stage matches taking place in cities such...

Headlines: Genome Editing Technology Promises New Ways to Treat Diseases

December 3, 2013 - A Cambridge, Massachusetts startup, Editas Medicine, is on a mission to develop life-changing treatments of diseases through a method called...

Headlines: Canadian Cancer Researchers Find Achilles Heel of Colon Cancer

December 2, 2013 - Toronto is home to one of the world's leading cancer hospitals called The Princess Margaret and researchers there have disabled...

Headlines: Volvo to Put 100 Driverless Cars on Streets of Gothenburg

December 2, 2013 - The pilot project goes by the name "Drive Me" and will involve 100 autonomous self-piloting vehicles to be let loose...

Biomedicine Update: New Stem Cell Therapy Treats Heart Failure

December 2, 2013 - Two cardiothoracic surgeons at University of Utah Health Care have teamed up to deliver stem cells to a damaged heart...

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