January 13, 2015 – If you are visiting 21st Century Tech blog for the first time here is a quick orientation to the site.
Just below the header at the top of the page you find the menu bar to use to access specific subject matter. Scroll over the bar to see submenu topics as well. Above the menu bar on the right enter key words in the search field to find content. For specific phrases like “genetic engineering” use quotation marks.
The latest postings always appear below the menu bar. Beneath them in chronological reverse order are the last ten postings to read.
Look to the left side of the page to find Categories. Click on any category subject to compile a complete search of every posting in that field on the site. Now look below to select postings by month and year. You can go back as far as October 2009 when I first started writing 21st Century Tech blog.
Another way to do a filtered search is through the Hot Topics cloud. The cloud is a good alternative to the category search and by the size of typeface gives you a visual sense of the amount of content on a particular subject.
Now look to the right side of the page below the click accessible advertising where you find my Twitter feed. I use Twitter to highlight articles I read that have bearing on the themes in this blog. I may not write a specific post about the subject matter but I like sharing with you what I find. I hope you can dip into some of these tweets from time to time or even suggest some that can be shared with other readers.
The latest feature added to 21st Century Tech blog is the video feed. I try to feature one video weekly about a subject consistent with other content found here and I hope you find these short videos as interesting as I do.
Below the video feed you can access comments by readers. Comments on anything on the blog site are welcome. I get thousands from you and welcome them. Many of you choose to comment through Facebook and LinkedIn Groups where my postings reappear. I promise to always respond to comments so please keep them coming.
Benearth the comments there is a field where you can submit your email address to subscribe to 21st Century Tech blog. Subscriptions are free and get you automatic email alerts alerts when I post to the site.
Other ways to read my postingsĀ – subscribe to the RSS feed which will alert you to any change on the site, or visit 21st Century Tech on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
If you have ideas to improve 21st Century Tech blog, or if you would like to submit an article for publication guest bloggers are welcome.
I want to thank the tens of thousands of you who read 21st Century Tech blog each month as well as those who find my co-publishing site at “The Futurist.” And in the last month you will also find 21st Century Tech postings appearing on CESRAN International, the Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis, a non-partisan, non-profit international think-tank site committed to advancing academic research in a wide variety fields.
Enjoy 21st Century Tech blog and please keep coming back.
Len Rosen