MobiSante has built the first smartphone-based ultrasound system designed to support diagnostic imaging anywhere there is cellphone coverage and that means virtually everywhere on the planet. Called the MobiUS SP1, the technology features a wand, a Toshiba Windows smartphone and MobiSante software. It can be used to do ultrasound examinations anywhere they are needed and send these images over a cellular or WiFi network, or through a USB connector to a personal computer. Images are attached to emails. Radiologists, surgeons, obstetricians, urologists and other specialists can open and view the images and respond immediately with opinions and suggested course of action.
For emergency first responders, physicians in rural locales, health clinics in the Developing World, and general practitioners working in private practice, the MobiUS SP1 is a godsend. The device is priced not including the smartphone at $7,495 US. It consists of a wand and touch screen with image resolutions of 480 x 480. Weight is about 330 grams (11.6 ounces). The device can store still and cine images with storage from 8 to 32 Gigabytes. Extended battery allows up to 6.6 hours of scan time. The device is compatible with Windows 7, XP and Vista (sorry Apple users).
The device allows the operator to select from 9 different scan types including a general quick scan (see the panel image on the left below). Images can be adjusted to increase contrast. Operators can make notations and measurements, and personal patient information can be entered using the touch screen keyboard. The technology is very similar to ultrasound equipment used in hospital settings so the learning curve for a field operator is quick.
When JPEG or Cine images are attached to an email the content is encrypted to ensure that the transmission meets with all patient privacy requirements. The device has received FDA approval for general field use. For more information check out the product brochure.