A New Look for 21st Century Tech Blog and a Renewed Purpose


July 31, 2014 – If you have visited the home page of 21st Century Tech blog in the last week you will have noted a new look. My technical assistant and colleague, Marcelo Vargas, who at this moment is enjoying a month away in Bolivia, encouraged me to make the site more visually appealing. I hope you like the changes.

I’m hoping that you find it simpler to find things now using the menu bar at the top, the search by key words or phrases, and the category list which now appears on the left.

Finding how to subscribe should be easier too. It is on the right just below the featured advertisement.

You can also connect to our postings through Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter or RSS. Access is just below how to subscribe.

I asked Marcelo to make the Twitter feeds more prominent. I use Twitter not only to notify the Twitterverse about a new blog posting but also to identify stories of a related nature to the themes of this blog. So the Twitter feed has been moved up higher on the home page. My Twitter handle is @lenrosen4 if you want to follow me there.

The look of hot topics has also been changed. It used to be a pick list on the right. Now it appears on the left as a cloud list with topics most talked about appearing in larger typeface.

As always you are encouraged to comment on anything you read here. And I encourage you to invite others who like the subject matter to visit this site. The word is getting out and readership continues to grow. I am grateful for the expanding interest and the feedback my readers provide.

It is not quite five years since I started writing 21st Century Tech blog and we are quickly approaching the 1,000th posting, in fact, just ten away. It’s hard to believe that what began as a way for me to share my interest in science and technology has become widely read and distributed content appearing on other blog sites, in online magazines, and has even leading to speaking engagements at conferences focused on the future and its challenges.

I have officially moved along from retired management consultant, and business and marketing guru, to futurist. So much for a quiet retirement.

