April 26, 2018 – Lara Walsh has contributed compelling past infographics to 21stcentech.com. This one is no less compelling. She writes:
While it’s safe to say that you would struggle to fit a fully-functional wind farm or hydroelectric plant on your property, solar panel and battery systems are affordable, available and gaining in popularity. Influencing this growth are falling solar panel prices, increased solar battery efficiency, a range of finance options available. and the growing popularity of being off-the-grid.
With a solar roof and battery system, householders can not only power the lights, appliances and HVAC systems in their homes, but also feed excess energy back to the power grid reducing utility bills. Larg technology companies are taking advantage of the solar market opportunity to produce innovative new energy products. For example, Tesla’s Power Wall, the wall-mounted battery system that provides energy storage to power the house overnight.
The popularity of solar can best be illustrated by a growing rate of adoption. In China alone, in 2016, the solar sector grew by an amazing 46%.
Online roofing supplier Roof Stores has gathered data on the rising adoption of rooftop solar energy, showcasing the technology and which countries are leading the way.