U.S. Republican Presidential Candidates and Their Carbon Contribution


July 2, 2015 – A mere two days before the United States celebrates its Independence Day, the Republicans now have 14 definite candidates and 2 to 6 probables who want to be the next President of the country. Of these one, although not a scientist, has stated that global warming is a human problem. That’s Senator Lindsey Graham. The rest have admitted that they too are not scientists, and some don’t even talk to scientists. Hence they have the credentials to run the country without having to rely on facts and evidence.



So here is an interesting exercise. Calculate just how much CO2 is produced in a year by these up to 20 presidential wannabees?

  • the air we individually expel each day amounts to 1.04 kilogram (2.3 pounds) of CO2.
  • in a year that amounts to 379.6 kilograms (837 pounds).
  • in 2016 a leap year add another 1.04 kilograms (2.3 pounds) to the total.
  • some of the CO2 we ingest we sequester because each of us is 18% carbon by weight.
  • if the average Republican presidential candidate is 90 kilograms (approximately 200 pounds) that means each is sequestering 16.2 kilograms (35.6 pounds) of CO2.

That covers just our breathing. But in fact the average American produces 5,200 kilograms (11,444 pounds) of carbon emissions annually. So the 20 presidential candidates just by breathing will collectively contribute over 7,600 kilograms (16,800 pounds) of CO2 this coming election year. And when you add in the automobiles, aircraft, and their individual household contribution the number amounts to 104,000 kilograms (228,800 pounds or more than 114 tons).

Now that’s not science, just basic mathematics. And while these candidates espouse their anti-science rhetoric except where science impacts military objectives, we are subjected to not only the CO2 they emanate but also the “hot air” and its contribution to overall global warming.

Some interesting data for those who don’t understand the impact of overall population on climate change.

  • When expressed over the entire population of the planet, breathing in and out is collectively responsible for 8.5% of all the carbon produced by humanity. The rest comes from the carbon we burn.
  • For every billion people we add to the planet breathing alone contributes 420 million tons of CO2 annually.

For other interesting world population and environmental impact facts check out the Population Reference Bureau. I suspect that other than Lindsey Graham, no Republican aspirants will be visiting the site.