The United States is Now an Exporter of “Freedom Gas” – “Molecules of U.S. Freedom” to be Sent Around the World

Liquid natural gas, or as the Trump administration calls it "molecules of U.S. freedom" are being exported all over the world. Could the flag get any bigger?

June 1, 2019 – It used to be the Orwellian speech of “1984,” and that of the old Soviet Union – turning the familiar into clean climate euphemisms. That’s because “freedom gas” is nothing more than liquid natural gas which the United States hopes to export in much greater quantities to countries in Asia and Europe. Trump has been bashing Germany for the German-Russian Nord Stream project, a pipeline bringing natural gas to Germany. One would think the President is hot and bothered because Russia is perceived as an enemy of the United States. But this President trusts Russian leaders at their word when making choices between his own intelligence agencies and his gut feel.

So why would he deny Germany access to cheap Russian natural gas? Well, the reason is rather simple. Trump wants “freedom gas” to be liquefied and compressed and sent overseas to heat Europe. And calling the gas “molecules of freedom” is propagandistic marketing.

In the same press release from the U.S. Department of Energy that uses these two euphemisms, Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Steve Winberg states, that the U.S. is committed “to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy.” It goes on to state that the Department of Energy “is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of U.S. freedom to be exported to the world.”

It is good to know that the American government equates its natural gas with freedom and democracy, and pays no regard to the climate-altering consequences of continuing to expand fossil fuel infrastructure and capacity. If any single act of humanity will ultimately contribute to the failure of freedom, democracy, and quality of life, it will be the fatal disregard by this administration, through its expansion of fossil fuel capacity, to the global challenge of anthropogenic climate change.

From “molecules of freedom” we go to the deliberate assault by the Trump administration on environmental regulation and the truth about climate change. Instead of the American public learning from its government about what lies ahead, new directives from the President and his lackeys are restricting climate modeling and projections to not look beyond 2040, and not providing analysis that shows human activity as being linked to the results.

No worst-case scenarios for this administration to share with the public.

No money from federal coffers to fund the science, or the projects aimed at climate mitigation or adaptation.

In the Trumpian world, ignorance is bliss. So let the states, cities, counties, and towns deal with anthropogenic climate alterations despite that CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases know no boundaries. Susan Joy Hassol, a senior science writer and contributor to the U.S. National Climate Assessment report that is published periodically, in a recent Huffington Post article is quoted stating “the people doing everything they can to keep us in a high-emissions scenario don’t want us to analyze the ramifications of being in a high-emission scenario.”

In the Trump dystopia, more natural gas described as “molecules of freedom” and “clean coal” another euphemism of dubious merit, are key talking points when the President meets with his supporters in “Make America Great Again” rallies. Of course, America will increasingly not be so great as the changes brought on by atmospheric warming insidiously become an increasing burden to the American people and the rest of us on this planet.


Liquid natural gas, or as the Trump administration calls it “molecules of U.S. freedom” are being exported all over the world. The original caption from the source where I borrowed this picture states: “Here we are world! It’s more expensive, but that’s because it’s imbued with FREEDOM!”