Did Our Universe Pop Out of a Black Hole?


August 16, 2014 – The Perimeter Institute in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, has proposed in recent discussions among its faculty focused on cosmology, that the Big Bang may have been the back side of a black hole.

In an article entitled, The Black Hole at the Beginning of Time, appearing in this month’s issue of Scientific American, they provide a mathematical argument for our Universe’s birth. They hypothesize that the Big Bang may have not been the singularity scientists have described, that moment when time and 3-dimensional space came into existence giving birth to what we see in the night sky some 13.7 billion years later. Instead the authors of the article envision that our physical three-dimensional Universe came about in the collapse of a star from a four-dimensional universe. That collapse

A four-dimensional universe? What the heck is that? Our view of physical space is only three-dimensional. We see height, width and depth. We can measure the distance light travels from a star. But we also know that light travels through time. The uniting of time and space to create spacetime produces a parameter not visible to us three-dimensional worlders. We don’t see time as a dimension. But mathematics does. And the Perimeter Institute scientists propose a scenario where a four-dimensional universe could have been the birth mother for three-dimensional space.

That’s because a four-dimensional dying star that collapses becomes a three-dimensional black hole. And on the exit side of that black hole is our three-dimensional space, the Universe we reside in.

But black holes in our observable Universe some argue are two-dimensional at the boundary that marks the point of no return, what we refer to as the event horizon. So here’s another speculation – does that mean the spawn of our black holes may be two-dimensional Universes, the flat land scenario where only length and width exist? It’s interesting mathematical speculation to think we are composed of the stuff of stars that came about because of the burping of a Universe with a higher number of dimensions.


A four-dimensional cosmic burp